Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In love with life...

So I have been really bad about this posting frequently thing. I am going to try to make more of an effort. Mostly because I feel that its a way for me to express myself in a way sometimes I feel I lack.
Look how cute Jenny is!

The whole group getting ready to go zip-lining!

Meg & Michelle!

Haley, the Rockstar!

Our Campsite
 October has been CRAZY busy! I love every second of it though. I am going to be VERY broke by the end of the month but I am really enjoying myself! Last weekend, my small group, B. I. T. E., went camping and zip-lining. It was so much fun!! Our group is growing in numbers and in our faith.  I can feel the Holy Spirit working in and through us. We have started meeting in my parents' house and everyone seems to enjoy it here. To check out what we are discussing and doing, go check out our blog *HERE*.

This weekend I am going to Chicago for Megan's birthday!  Michelle, Alex, and I will be driving up on Thursday and coming back on Saturday. Hopefully, I will get a bunch of awesome pictures and will post them on Sunday.  Please pray for a safe (and fun!) trip.

Also, please pray for those who have lost loved ones recently. My friends have lost so many people close to them recently.

Katie & Mollie have lost their 20 year old cousin, Josh Passiglia, to a car accident which also killed a mother of three.
Chris lost his friend to a skydiving accident.
Megan's friend from high school passed away in a motorcycle accident.
Ryan's 5 year old cousin was hit by a car and killed.

So much young life has been lost recently. Please keep all of their families and friends in your prayers.  Death is hard enough to deal with at a ripe old age, but it is even more tragic when someone who hasn't yet experience all of life's joy is taken prematurely.



OH and one more pic!
Put this picture up to show off embarrass my new friend, Dustin. Doesn't he look like a model?? ;)

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